Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The last 7 months in a nut shell

Ok, so since I have joined Facebook this blog has been totally forgotten. I'm going to TRY to keep it updated at least monthly. We'll see how it goes.

But for now here is what's been going on since Christmas.

January- Greg graduates from Nursing School, we had a great party with wonderful friends.

February- I turned 40, oh my! Had a wonderful party thrown by my wonderful friends and husband.

March- Greg's 40th Birthday! Greg really didn't want to make a big deal about his birthday, must have been in denial :-) so we just had a party at home with friends. And I can't seem to find any pictures of this event. I bet he erased them from the camera!

April-Went for a wonderful Girls' Weekend at Jill's sister's lake house. And attended the CF wine opener, a fabulous event to raise money for a cure for cystic fibrosis.

May- Went to Chicago to see my good friend Andrea's baby Lucy.

June- Finished up the school year, and then taught summer school at the Autism school. I LOVE the children with autism! I'm always drawn to them in my classroom and in the summer I get the priviledge of working with a whole classroom of these fabulous children.

July- Back to Chicago. It is very difficult for me to stay away from Andrea's baby Lucy. I love her so much and it kills me that we are so far away. I get pretty weepy just thinking about it :-(
Sarah went with me this time and we had a wonderful visit. My little night owl went to bed at a decent hour and even got up early. The last morning she got up at 6:30 am to walk the dogs with Tom.

Love and miss you guys!!!


WineLover said...

well look at're back! nice update :-)

Andrea said...

We were so glad to have you and wish that we could visit more often!

Jodi said...

Nice Job!!!! Great post