Sunday, September 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby Boy

Happy Birthday to my sweet little Duncan. Today is his first birthday, and although he is rotten as all get out, we all love him to pieces.

We took him out for ice cream today for his special day.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Surviving the Wind Storm

Thanks to Hurricane Ike, Columbus got a major wind storm starting Sunday afternoon and ending around 9:00 Sunday night. We managed to come out of it without any major damage. Our power went out around 3:00 Sunday and it came back on about 11:30 today, Monday.
Greg was gone for the start of the storm, he and our friend Kevin were working on the brakes to the truck (thanks Kevin). Once the power went out and my cell phone battery was about to die, I was starting to get worried. I tried to call Greg to see when he would be home, but no answer. I figured I had enough juice in the phone to make one more call, I called Christa to come get me and Sarah. I didn't want to stay here by myself any longer, I swear I thought the house was going to blow down. Our tents out back did start to blow away, so I ran out and had to take one down by myself, it was falling down on top of me and at one point almost acted like a parachute and blew me away. As you can imagine, I was screaming out there and being very dramatic. I really felt like Dorothy in Kansas. I sure was glad to see Christa, but as we were getting ready to leave Greg pulled in to the driveway. I sent Sarah with Christa and Greg and I stayed here to hold down the fort, literally. The neighbors lost some shingles and our other neighbors lost one of their pine trees, that sucker snapped in half.
We spent most of the day today cleaning up the pool, there were tons of leaves in there but other than that we didn't have any damage.